Images, Commentary, and Info on the
FX for the new version of the Star Wars Trilogy

You are visitor since May 1, 1996

Last Update 9-22-96

This page is dedicated to current information on the VISUAL FX for the recent Star Wars upgrades, and is NOT supported by Lucasfilm LTD in any way.

Pages contain LOTS of large JPEG images, so they may load SLOWLY.

A new feature to the site is the Why go Digital? page. It features a few of the more annoying problems from the movies that will be removed. It also tackles the questions of the tennis shoe, and Emperor's slugs -- two highly requested features.
It also seems that some of you are getting a preview of the coming mania when you see ID4 this summer. Bully for all of you. Want to See it?
A big thanks for these new images! All are courtesy of a couple of other internet junkies, with interesting info on either Star Wars, or FX in general. The Ultimate Star Wars Special Edition Page and the Visual Effects Headquarters. Steve koukoula and Tod Vaziri' are a couple of excellent guys to allow me to snag 'em.

Enjoy the new stuff.

The Blessed Buzz

Visual Effects Guide to Star Wars Special Editions

Search for the droids Mos Eisley
Jabba The Hutt Space Flight and End Battle
IMAX special effects Why Go Digital?

A New Hope:Behind The Scenes

General Star Wars Special Edition info

All sources are considered, but mostly the information is found on the internet.

All images are ©Lucasfilm LTD.

Official thanks to the many others who took time to scan this stuff in. :)

Please e-mail any new FX info or corrections you have to, and it will be uploaded as soon as possible.

Brought to you by Agrapha Productions